1. Health


Over 8k cases in 1 day again, India now 7th worst-hit

June 1, 2020 New Delhi:  India witnessed 8,390 cases in 24 hours on the second consecutive day. With this, the total case count of coronavirus disease mounted to 1,90,535 on Monday. India emerged as the…


Unlocking India: Is the healthcare system ready for COVID-19 surge?

By Sfoorti Misra May 31, 2020 New Delhi:  After remaining in lockdown for over two months, the people of India will proceed towards a normal life from Monday but with several terms and conditions. With…

Delhi Police ASI dies of COVID-19, second casualty in force

May 31, 2020 New Delhi:  A 54-year-old Assistant Sub-Inspector of Delhi Police has succumbed to COVID-19, officials said on Sunday. The death of Shesh Mani Pandey, deployed as the fingerprint expert in the Crime Branch,…


Risk in UK lockdown easing too soon: Scientists

May 30, 2020 London:  Scientific advisers to the UK government have warned of the risk of lifting the lockdown in England, as the country begins the final weekend before rules change amid the COVID-19 pandemic,…

Lockdown 5.0: Night curfew between 9 pm and 5 am

May 30, 2020 New Delhi:  As the Centre on Saturday adopted an exit step towards the 67-day long nationwide lockdown, declaring that the restrictions will be limited only to the containment zones up to June…


Still no clarity on strain-specific deaths as India toll close to 5K

May 30, 2020 New Delhi: There is no data currently available that can clearly say that there are strain-specific differences among SARS-CoV-2 viruses, which are leading to more deaths, says Jeffrey Townsend, Professor at Yale…

Over 50% Covid patients in Delhi recovered: Sisodia

May 29, 2020 New Delhi: More than 50 per cent of Covid-19 patients in Delhi have recovered and a huge portion of virus affected people are recovering through home isolation, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish…


70% capacity of pvt labs for testing Covid-19 lies unused

Sfoorti Mishra May 29, 2020 New Delhi: Even as India is conducting over 1 lakh tests per day in the country for novel Coronavirus in private and public labs, at least 70 per cent of…


People with intellectual disabilities at high Covid-19 death risk

May 29, 2020 New York:  In first-of-its-kind study, researchers have claimed that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are more likely to die from Covid-19 than those without such condition. An intellectual or developmental…


India records highest single-day spike, surpasses China toll

May 29, 2020 New Delhi:  India on Friday not only recorded its largest jump in new cases as it added 7,466 new Covid patients in 24 hours, emerging as the ninth worst-hit country in the…

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