Mumbai: Bollywood bigwig Karan Johar was in his element on Tuesday during the trailer launch of his upcoming production ‘Call Me Bae’. KJo attended the trailer launch of the eight-episode series along with the cast of the show at a five-star property in the Bandra area of Mumbai.
During the event, when the emcee addressed him as ‘Sir’ owing to his seniority in the film fraternity, KJo almost humorously took offence and urged her not to call him sir.
KJo said, “Sir? Please, I’m here with a bunch of millennials, and I would like to believe I’m a part of this cool group and very much a millennial. So, please, no ‘sir’”.
At this point, the media stationed at the event burst into laughter as KJo continued to enlist the merits of the show, and how it has an international appeal.
Later, during the interaction with the emcee actor Gurfateh Pirzada spoke about how this show helped me explore more facets of himself as an artist and went on to express his gratitude to Karan and his team for giving him a chance to work on the project where again he addressed Karan as ‘Karan sir” before he immediately corrected himself and said, “Karan”.
Meanwhile, ‘Call Me Bae’ follows actress Ananya Panday’s titular character Bae, who belongs to an affluent family from Delhi and has grown up in a very protected environment. Her world changes when she moves to Mumbai.
The series also stars Vir Das, Gurfateh Pirzada, Varun Sood, Vihaan Samat, Muskkaan Jaferi, Niharika Lyra Dutt, Lisa Mishra, and Mini Mathur in pivotal roles. The series offers a peek into the life of Bae as she hustles with all her muscles in the maximum city of Mumbai.
The series will drop on September 6 on Prime Video.